Saturday, 15 November 2014

Film 97 - Interstellar

Interstellar - 15/11/2014

I intentionally avoided most of the trailers and IMDB in relation to Interstellar.  I knew I was going to watch it at he cinema, but I did not want to know anything about it.  A few years ago, I picked up Memento on a whim and knew nothing about it before hand and instantly it has become one of my favourite films, I waited for the hype to die down on Inception and loved that too.  

Christopher Nolan is one of the best directors out there at the moment in my opinion, so Interstellar had a high expectation in my mind when I heard it announced at the start of the year.

In an undisclosed near future, the ground in which human life depends for growth of crops/food, is slowly becoming infertile and only the best "farmers" are there to provide, all other science becomes second tier and survival takes over.  A secret project, based on the finding of a worm hole near Saturn, launches a shuttle to see if they can locate others worlds that could sustain human life.

Interstellar is just awesome, Kubrick style 2001 visuals, little (as possible) CGI and heavily focused on character and their motivations I was gripped from start to finish.  I think you have to leave your reason in the lobby and just enjoy the ride with this one.  I was in tears at certain points during the film because I actually cared about the relationships, the father/daughter relationship is just perfect.

The robots in the film are a great little character addition, when asked about their humour/sarcasm and truth settings the responses are superb.  I was a little unsure of them at first, like the way they move, but as the film progressed I just accepted them and loved them to finish

Barry Exposition is a crew member on the Endurance, scientists having to explain things to each other so the general population can understand, and there is a cameo which really brought me out of the film for a few minutes.  Yes, the cameo character was brilliant, but it still was  *******!

This is definitely one of the best and clever sci-fi films out in a long time and even though some of the plot was a little stretched, it was still a great film to watch.  The last 10 minutes are definitely not needed and it could have ended perfect, but Hollywood!

I will be asking my good friend "Roshtakular" to review this as well as he was not a fan, so it would be nice to see an alternate (and also wrong!) opinion.....

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