Guardians of the Galaxy - 31/07/2014 (with guest review)
Dear Mr Abrams,

What we watched happens to be one of the best films of 2014
Hilarious, great characters, emotional, and I am Groot
An epic space opera that is probably the best Star Wars film since 1980. I do believe that the formula for Guardians is very Indiana Jones/Star Wars rooted so to follow this procedure would be a great starting point. 4 of the Guardians are a cross between Han Solo and Chewie, whilst the 5th member is broody and kick ass just like Leia.
I appreciate that most of this film is CGI and you are going for more pratical effects to which I salute you, but may I also point out the excellent work done by Weta Digital with Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (another film you should see) and Mr Gunn's amazing work with Groot and Rocket. In other words, we DO NOT want another Jar Jar!
I trust that you will take into reference the points raised above, and take them forward to the new dawn of Star Wars. Don't worry, I will take no credit for the end result if it is a roaring success based on my advice. I will just be a happy man
An epic space opera that is probably the best Star Wars film since 1980. I do believe that the formula for Guardians is very Indiana Jones/Star Wars rooted so to follow this procedure would be a great starting point. 4 of the Guardians are a cross between Han Solo and Chewie, whilst the 5th member is broody and kick ass just like Leia.
I appreciate that most of this film is CGI and you are going for more pratical effects to which I salute you, but may I also point out the excellent work done by Weta Digital with Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (another film you should see) and Mr Gunn's amazing work with Groot and Rocket. In other words, we DO NOT want another Jar Jar!
I trust that you will take into reference the points raised above, and take them forward to the new dawn of Star Wars. Don't worry, I will take no credit for the end result if it is a roaring success based on my advice. I will just be a happy man
So, in summary, can you please have a word with the execs at Disney as I believe you need to see this film to give you the direction for your upcoming project.
Many Thanks,
Danny Pondo
Peter Quill is taken from earth in 1986 as a heartbroken youngster, 20 years later he is an Indiana Jones/Han Solo-esque character with a bounty on his head and an item in his pocket that is sought after by Ronan The Accuser. He is joined by Rocket, Groot, Gamora and Drax as a band of misfits in a galactic war.
I knew very little of the comic (in fact, very little indeed) before going into the film but that had zero effect on my enjoyment. Not much back story is given to each character, they are just there and doing their thing. GOG is a fantastic space adventure full of great action scenes and comedic moments. For me this is the new generations Star Wars, and as much as I do not want to compare them the similarities are too close.
Each character is given equal screen time, and during their time they each steal the show. Star Lord is a cocky, self sure raider with questionable leadership qualities, Rocket is a mastermind of escape and planning, Drax the logical has some of the best lines from the film and is the power house of the gang, Gamora the deadly assassin and heart, and then there is Groot, a tree who can do new things because he is Groot. His abilities are never explained and he can always do something that helps in the situation, but you don't care because "I am Groot".
My only downer to the film would be the bad guys, I think they are a little underplayed. Ronan has potential to be a great villain, Nebula and Gamora's back stories sound very interesting, but James Gunn wants to focus more on our heroes rather than the this a bad thing?
The soundtrack is perfectly fitting and the visuals stunning
A good friend of mine is currently choosing to boycott the film because he cannot get over the fact that there is a talking raccoon. I look forward to hearing his thoughts now as I think I may have convinced him to go.
Guardians in an excellent film (as you may have guessed now) that I recommend to all. Episode VII has got a lot to do now.
Oh, and make sure you stay right till the end of the credits for the usual Marvel post-credit sequence - just brilliant!
And...I want a dancing baby Groot!
Oh, and make sure you stay right till the end of the credits for the usual Marvel post-credit sequence - just brilliant!
And...I want a dancing baby Groot!
Guest Review - The Film Lord (Dave)
“Hey (hey) what’s the
matter with your head? Yeah”. From the moment our protagonist Peter Quill
the self proclaimed “Starlord” danced onto screen accompanied by Redbone’s 1974
classic, I knew this film was for me.
Marvel Studios tenth and probably it’s most confident,
definitely the smartest and funniest, film they've produced has finally arrived
after months of anticipation. Directed by James Gunn, who wrote and directed
the underrated film Slither, it’s an absolute joy to watch.
What makes this film such a joy is the cast of characters.
Chris Pratt as the Han-Solo-ish Peter Quill is pitch perfect
as our 80s obsessed leader, he has the swagger and confidence of a young
Harrison Ford/Kurt Russell and some of his one liners are brilliant.
Dave Bautista as Drax the Destroyer, a warrior in search of
vengeance, is surprising hilarious and him only being able to understand words
literately lead to some of the best lines in the film.
Vin Diesel as Groot a tree-like humanoid who despite only
using the words “I am Groot” not only
manages to be funny it’s probably Vin’s best performance to date (haha)
Zoe Saldana as Gamora is probably the weakest link of the
group which is not to say she isn't good (she is) it’s just she’s not given as
much to do as the rest of the cast.
Then there’s Rocket a genetically engineered raccoon bounty
hunter voiced brilliantly by Bradley Cooper. From asking for appendages to be
stolen (hilarious) to his conversations with Groot of which only he is able to
understand make him the stand out in an already amazing set of characters. I
also liked is how they manage give him genuine emotion that really made me feel
for him which is more that can be said for most CGI creations, (Bay I’m looking
at you).
I also need to point out the soundtrack which is fantastic
and fit’s perfectly into the breeziness of the movie. (Needless to say this was
downloaded the second I got home and is currently set to repeat). Then there
are the 80’s references, one actor related one in particular, that had me in
The only downside for me were the antagonists, Lee pace as
Ronan and Karen Gillan as Nebula are not really given much to do other than be
obstacles for our heroes to overcome, (Gillian in particular). Nebula and
Gamora's back story seemed the most interesting it’s just a shame we didn't get
more of it.
The main theme that runs throughout this movie is friendship
so it’s fitting that they end with the song “I want you back” because you know
what….. I will be back, back for a second viewing and back in 2017 for their
next adventure.
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