Saturday, 7 June 2014

Film 53 - 22 Jump Street

22 Jump Street - 07/06/2014

I was late to the party in watching 21 Jump Street and had been told how funny it was, but was only sold on it when I went watching "The Lego Movie" (by the same creators).  So Clare and I settled in one Saturday night, with Chocolate Raisins at the ready to see if the film lived up to the hype.

With Clare being a big fan of Mr Tatum, it was not a hard sell and the film was excellent, we both really enjoyed it and were ready for another outing.

22 Jump Street seems to really play on the fact that they have no idea why the first film was so popular and that sequels are not as good so they may as well do exactly the same thing again, only bigger, and that is exactly what they do.

It is basically the same film again, but instead of being based in High School, it is now based in College.  It acknowledges it's stupidity, and silliness.  It recognises that the jokes are daft and really homo-erotic (and they really play on this bromance), and I think this is what makes it so good.  When the two main characters go to 22 Jump street for the first time there is a condo being built called 23 Jump Street.

There is one scene in which Channing Tatum finally realises something that has been going on under his and the bosses nose which had me laughing even when I had left the cinema.  I don't want to give too much away, but I was in hysterics.

The final credits scene (not post credit, but actual credits scene) is brilliant and possibly one of the funniest scenes from the film.  But don't get me wrong, I laughed a lot, a real lot through the whole film.

I know it would be exactly the same again, but 23 Jump Street, yes please

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