Godzilla - 16/05/2014

When Godzilla is on screen, and I admit he is pretty impressive (and even still looks like a man in a suit), he dominates the screen, but just as things are about to get really interesting, the film cuts away to another scene. Let me explain, at one pivotal moment when Mr Zilla meets a MUTO (Massive unidentified terrestrial object) for the first time and the two monsters charge towards each other, just as the moth-like Gargantua takes it first strike it cuts away to a news report on what happened. Don't tell me what happened, show me! Again, when in Hawaii, Zilla and MUTO charge, cut to Aaron-Taylor Johnson sat on a train talking to a little kid....I am sorry, but I went to see Godzilla not a soppy melodrama!
Why Brain Cranston is in the film is another quandary, he isn't the main focal point of the film (as the trailer would suggest) and to be perfectly honest, he really didn't need to be in the film at all.
Cineworld definitely had the subwoofer turned up to 11 (or possibly even 12) as the bass was really powerful. So when the monsters are stomping around I could really feel the vibrations under my seat. This was a great effect.
I didn't think Godzilla was a bad film, but not a great film. I thought the final battle scenes and the ending were great, but just short of entertaining.
Looking on IMDB the reviews for this film are 9/10 or 10/10, which is probably just down to the hype (unless I really did miss something), it is definitely down in the 6's and 7's
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