The Edge of Tomorrow - 31/05/2014
When we eventually do get invaded by an advanced life-form, which is soon if films are to be trusted, then we already know it's weakness because it has been done so many times in films now.
To name a few:
Independence Day - upload a virus to the main computer to take out the entire alien race
The Matrix: Take out the central main computer to wipe out the hunters
The Avengers: Send Iron man through the black hole into the main computer to take out the invading aliens
And countless other films....
In The Edge of Tomorrow, Tom Cruise is infected by alien blood whilst thrown into an onslaught on the beaches of France. This blood causes him to keep reliving the same onslaught over and over again until he learns how to end the war. To start the day over though, Tom has to die. This is a very interesting concept but the live, die, repeat brought nothing new to the day as the film brought nothing new to the screen.
There are some really cool battle scenes and I must say, quite exciting, but then it just all starts again and with the big reveal of an age old tactic for taking out the big bad (spoiler - but if you have seen any of the above films, then it is not!) it becomes very run of the mill action.
If you took the repetition out of the day and just focused on Rita (Emily Blunt) and the J-Squad in a "Aliens" style film, then for me this could have been really interesting as I said, the battle scenes were very enjoyable, but then would it have been just another run of the mill sci-fi action film and I would be having another rant about un-originality.