The Lego Movie - 22/02/2014
Pure Genius!
***** Spoiler Alert! *****
This is the plot in a nutshell. It may sound formulaic but there is a good reason why, and that is for you to find out at the end of the film.
There are some tedious bits to the film, but they are quickly kaiboshed with pure comedy moments portrayed by little bits of plastic

Obviously, when Solo, Chewie, Lando, C3p0 and the Falcon turned up (told you, spoiler) I was complete - this film could do no wrong from here on in
I have seen a few films aimed at a younger audience recently and they just keep getting better and better. Wreck It Ralph, How to Train Your Dragon and Despicable Me (and 2) and stand out films that deserve a mention, and for me, Lego Movie is worthy of joining that list.
Great fun to be had, and the soundtrack is AWESOME!
Just great fun and very, very funny in parts
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