The Equalizer - 27/09/2014
After their amazing team up in Training Day, Denzel Washington and director Antoine Fuqua join forces in The Equalizer. Based on the TV series starring Ewar Woowar (Edward Woodard without the D's), Denzel is a normal, easy going guy with a past and someone you do not want to cross.
When Chloe Grace Mortiz's lady of the night character is brutally beaten by her Russian pimp, Denzel goes to pay him a visit and ends up starting a Russian Mafia vendetta that keeps going further up the line of command.
I did enjoy The Equalizer, but think that there could have been a good 30 to 40 mins cut from it. It felt like it could have been a TV show and split over 4 or 5 40 minute episodes. It seems as thought the Director had a bucket load of ideas and just kept throwing them in.
The climax in the Home Depot had remnants of an early 80's horror movie, with all power tools being used as weapons, but the film had gone on far too long at this point.
The Equalizer himself, gets involved in far too many cases for the main plot to progress smoothly enough, but then when it does pick up the plot again it is great fun. The Russian Clean Up man is brutal and makes a great bad guy, but the henchmen must have been bought from Generic, they are stereotypical and just fodder.
Clare and I had booked our little puppy in for a hair cut, and were getting close to the appointment time. I could feel the end of the film coming so said to Clare, it will only be 10 mins at least. 30 minutes later the end was still coming and we were subsequently late for Chewie's cut.